Signs of Hormonal Imbalance and Solutions

Even the slightest hormonal imbalance can cause a range of ailments, including insomnia, unexplained weight gain, chronic acne, low moods, and hot flushes.  However, our hormones levels naturally fluctuate during various points in our lives due to puberty, pregnancy, or the menstrual cycle and hormone imbalances can also be a sign of various serious medical conditions. Consequently, it is important to monitor your symptoms so that you can seek out and receive the appropriate treatment when needed. 

Here are 10 common signs of hormonal imbalance to look out for, and some suggestions to help you cope with them:

1.    Symptom: Mood swings 

Remedy: Try making some healthy dietary and lifestyle changes, such as drinking less alcohol and taking up exercise. You can also try taking herbal remedies or asking your doctor about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

2.    Symptom: Heavy or painful periods, sometimes accompanied with abdominal pain, constipation, and pain urinating. 

Remedy: Some of these symptoms could be linked to fibroids which are non-cancerous growths in the womb. If you are suffering from a combination of the above you may wish to consult your GP.

3.    Symptom: Low libido or other symptoms such as night sweats which are impacting your sex life. 

Remedy: You may want to consult a health expert about trying testosterone as part of your HRT. This can help with libido as well as mood and energy levels. 

4.    Symptom: Poor quality sleep, disrupted sleep or insomnia

Remedy: Poor quality sleep and night sweats can be caused by falling oestrogen levels, so you may benefit from HRT. In addition, you can take practical steps to improve your sleep such as wearing light cloths to bed, keeping your bedroom dark and cool, increasing your daily exercise, and decreasing your caffeine intake. 

5.    Symptom: Unexplained weight gain with no change in diet or exercise levels.

Remedy: this may be due to underactive thyroid or polycystic ovary syndrome. You may wish to consult a women’s health expert to check for these conditions and discuss possible medication. 

6.    Symptom: Skin problems such as chronic acne or itchy skin

Remedy: You may wish to consult a women’s health expert to receive a diagnosis and the appropriate care.

7.    Symptom: Fertility problems

Remedy: Speak to your GP about getting your blood tested to check for Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH) levels – abnormalities in either can lead to infertility. Early onset menopause and polycystic ovaries can also cause infertility

8.    Symptoms: Headaches

Remedy: Keep a symptom diary to track possible headache triggers. Consult your doctor if you have regular attacks. 

9.    Symptom: Weak bones and bone density loss

Remedy: Brittle bones can lead to fractures; therefore, it is important to care for bone health in middle age and beyond. Weight bearing exercise and a healthy diet including good sources of Calcium and Vitamin D are recommended. HRT can also be beneficial. 

10.  Symptom: Vaginal Dryness 

Remedy: This can be caused by hormonal changes and/or antidepressants. Practical steps include using lubricants but if your symptoms are due to menopause HRT will also help.