Oestrogen Patches and Gels

Oestrogen is the main hormone in hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Lack of oestrogen is the cause of most perimenopause and menopausal symptoms. Your doctor may recommend supplementing your oestrogen using transdermal methods (i.e. via the skin) such as gels or patches. These are individually tailored so that levels can be easily adjusted according to your needs.

Patches are usually kept on for several days at a time, they are easily removed and replaced, and designed to stay on during exercise and showers. Gels are rubbed into the skin anywhere on the body (although doctors advise avoiding the breast area), at a frequency recommended by your doctor.

The benefits of transdermal oestrogen stem from the direct absorption via the skin that bypasses the digestive system and reduces side effects. Transdermal oestrogen has also been shown to have advantages for women who suffer from migraines and have a higher risk of strokes. Transdermal oestrogen also helps some patients avoid common side effects of orally taken oestrogen tablets such as a lowered libido, increased clotting factors, and a higher risk of strokes. 

Women who still have their uterus will need to take progesterone in addition to any oestrogen. This hormone can also be taken in various ways, including fitting a special type of coil. 


Source: My Menopause Doctor, Newson Healthy Limited 
