Four Effects of the Menopause and Natural Solutions

Dietician and holistic medicine practitioner, Keri Gans, offers tips for dealing with the most common side-effects of the menopause: weight gain, bone density loss, hot flashes and night sweats, and mood swings. 

Weight Gain: Decreasing estrogen levels and natural aging both contribute to weight gain during menopause, particularly in the abdominal area. Things you can do: 

Monitor your nutrition and portion sizes carefully. 

Add more vegetables to your plate and less protein and carbohydrates.

Add more heart healthy foods to your diet such as whole grains and nuts. 

Modify or intensify your workouts to increase your muscle mass, and add lean protein sources to your diet to help your body do so.

Bone loss: Declining hormone levels effect bone density and increase the risk of osteoporosis. 

What you can do:

Consume adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D through supplements and diet. Good food sources include milk, cottage cheese, fortified diary beverages and orange juice, dark green leafy vegetables, and oily fish like Sardines. 

Consume adequate amounts of magnesium which is essential for regulating calcium and vitamin D.

Practice weight bearing exercises such as yoga, walking, jogging.

Night sweats and hot flushes: This is one the most common complaints during menopause. Things you can do to naturally help combat hot flushes include life style changes such as:

Decreasing your intake of coffee, alcohol, and spicy foods

Keep rooms cool and dress in light layers

Learn meditation and relaxation techniques

Mood Swings: Natural solutions for mood swings include most of the above:

Ensuring you get a good night’s sleep

Engaging in regular physical activity

Eating a healthy diet

In addition, if you are suffering from depression you may wish to consult with a doctor.

