Weight gain during menopause, and ways to lose it

Weight gain can occur during menopause for multiple reasons. Low oestrogen levels slow the metabolism and effect the way the body stores fat. In addition, poor quality sleep, the natural aging process, and aches and pains that reduce your activity levels can all contribute to weight gain. Although maintaining and losing weight can be more challenging during menopause, there are some things you can do that may help:

1.     Increase your activity levels – regular exercise is one of the best ways to promote weight loss and overall physical health. Muscle tone decreases as you age which leads to an increase in body fat. Take up resistance training to promote muscle gain; this will also speed up your metabolism. Increase your daily activity levels by making small changes such as parking further away from your destination, taking the stairs rather than the lift, going for a walk, and doing some gardening. 

2.     Eat nutrient rich foods– to lose weight, you must consume less calories than you expend. Ensure that you get all the nutrients your body needs while reducing your overall calorie intake by eating nutrient dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein. Avoid processed foods such as bread, and high-fat and sugary foods. 

3.     Get good quality sleep – menopause can cause sleep disturbances that impact your appetite and reduce your energy levels. Symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats can also negatively impact the quality of your sleep. Ensure that you get a good night’s rest by maintaining regular bedtimes and keeping your bedroom cool and dark. 

4.     Alternative therapies –there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that therapies like hypnosis, yoga, and meditation, can reduce your stress levels. 

5.     Eat mindfully – seek therapy if you are comfort or binge eating, and deal with the emotional state underlying your eating patterns. 

6.     Monitor your weight – keep track of what you eat and identify where you need to make adjustments.

7.     Control portion sizes – it can be difficult to gauge how much is the right amount to eat. You can find clear potion size guidelines online to help you. Avoid eating in front of the TV and snacking. 

8.     Plan your meals – and have healthy foods on hand for when you get hungry. 

9.     Enlist family and friends –the support of those around you is integral to successful weight loss.

10.  Make life style changes for the long term - avoid fad diets and short term solutions. Plan to live a healthier life, for life. 


