Reasons for, and Advice on, female hair loss

There are many possible reasons for hair loss in women including stress, various inflammatory scalp conditions, and genetics. In addition, hair loss can occur during perimenopause and menopause due to hormonal changes. Underlying thyroid conditions that impact your metabolism can exacerbate the problem. If you are experiencing hair loss here are some things you should consider:

1.    Ask your doctor for a blood test to check your thyroid function

2.    Consider your diet – restrictive diets, including veganism, and sudden weight loss can cause deficiencies in important vitamins and minerals that impact hair growth such as vitamin D, biotin, zinc, and iron. You can up your intake of these by adding green leafy vegetables, eggs, and oily fish to your diet and taking supplements.

3.    Invest in a shampoo or hair mask that nourishes the scalp and strengthens hair roots. 

