Boosting your Immune System to Prevent Coronavirus


A leading private GP working in London, Dr. Tim Lebens, has recommended several measures designed to boost your immune system and mitigate your chances of catching Coronavirus on his website.

In addition to governments official guidelines – regular handwashing and wearing protective masks and gloves – the doctor advises:

  1. Adding 20-30 minutes of exercise a day,

  2. adhering to a balanced diet,

  3. ensuring you get a good amount of sleep every day,

  4. caring for your mental health through meditation and stress reduction.

  5. taking some daily supplements including Vitamin D, C, and Zinc, which are all thought to help prevent viral infections.

Mental health is a big issue in the current lockdown. Managing young kids and long-term relationships in such close quarters can certainly take its toll. Financial stresses will also impact in the coming months.


Source: Tatler